The light-based spellcaster and manager of Kekaw
Elmo Ibn Khayyam aka Foeslasher


Knowledge is powerI don't believe in that. What good can remembering the entire encyclopedia or a bunch of maths formula do? Remembering those means nothing in a fight when your opponent is stronger and quicker than you. Or when you’re at work and everything needs to be standardized.Random application of knowledge is not power, you need the intelligence to apply the correct knowledge and wisdom on when to apply the knowledge. And definitely not a wise decision to think of other stuff while I'm fighting this guy without a weapon.But like all wise people, I must whatever at hand to overcome my obstacle in front of me. For example, this handy-dandy 10KG book I have on my waist. Let me just unlatch the chain and show this person with the power of knowledge. All 10KG of it.So technically, knowledge IS power.


Video Games
Dungeon & Dragons
Reading Sci-fi


For thousands of years, we've been living with the normal and the paranormal. Due to the advancements of science and technology, the ways on how to handle the paranormal have slowly been forgotten. However we, the Exorcist Company, still remember. We are founded and exist to help people who are terrorized and disturbed by paranormal entities and events. With our specialized knowledge, we will exorcised any ailments that haunts our clients.